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The connection of the fiber and testing methods,

by:Tumtec     2021-01-15
The connection of the fiber and 2016 - test method 05 - Method 10 a, fiber optic cable connection: a permanent connection, emergency connection, active connection. 一个。 Permanent fiber connection ( Also called hot melt) : this connection are the two optical fiber cross section using high voltage arc melting at the same time let two optical fibers with high precision motion gently push merge into one, together, in order to realize the optical fiber mode field coupling. Commonly used in long distance, permanent or semi-permanent fixed connection. Its main characteristic is to connect attenuation, the lowest in all of the connection methods of typical values of 0. 01 ~ 0. 3 db/points. But connection, need special equipment ( Optical fiber welding machine) And professionals to operate, and join points also need special container protected. b。 Emergency connection ( Also called cold shut) : emergency connection is mainly use the method of mechanical and chemical, to fix two optical fibers and the bonding together. The main characteristic of this method is rapid and reliable, connecting the typical attenuation is 0. 1 to 0. 3 db/points. But the join long-term use would not be stable, attenuation will also increase, so should be urgent need only a short time. c。 Active connection: active connection is to use all kinds of optical fiber connection device ( Plugs and sockets) , the site with sites or sites with fiber optic cable to connect a way. This method is flexible, simple, convenient, reliable, multi-purpose in building computer network wiring. The attenuation of typical 1 db/connectors. Second, optical fiber detection: the main purpose of the optical fiber detection is to guarantee the quality of the system, reduce the fiber to identify the fault factors and fault of the point of failure. Simple detection method are many, mainly divides into artificial measurement and precision measuring instrument. 一个。 Artificial simple measurements: this method is generally used in rapid detection of the on-off of the fiber and construction when used to distinguish the optical fiber. It is to use a simple light from one end of the optical fiber into visible light, which a light from the other end of the observation. The method is simple, but it can't quantitative measurement of optical fiber attenuation and fiber breakpoint. b。 Precision instrument measurement: the use of optical power meter or optical time domain reflectometer ( OTDR) To quantitative measurement of optical fiber, can measure the attenuation of the fiber and the attenuation of joint, but also measure the breakpoint location of the fiber. This kind of measurement can be used for quantitative analysis of the optical fiber network failure cause and evaluate the optical fiber network products.
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