Fine welding arc calibration method
in the first place for optical fiber welding machine to replace batteries first: electrode to replace 1, must confirm the welding machine was turned off, remove the electrode chamber of the protection cover, loosen screw is fixed on the electrode, remove the electrodes; Then loosen the top electrode under silk, remove the electrodes. 2, install the new electrode, operation steps, contrary to remove the electrode method, operation can in turn. Two electrode tip clearance for: 2. Six plus or minus 0. 2 mm. 3, in the process of assembly, do not touch the electrode tips, in case of damage to the electrode, and avoid the electrodes into the machine internal damage. Should be done after replacing electrode, arc position calibration.
2:1, the electrode arc calibration after the installation is complete, open the welding electrical source switch. 2. Welding machine enter the initial screen, press menu to enter level menu. 3. Find the machine maintenance, through the movement of the cursor into the cleaning electrode, confirmation, the machine will automatically discharge clean and aging electrode. 4. Install fiber cut left/right, find arc through the movement of the cursor position, by manipulating the fiber end face and the position of the two electrode tip to keep three point one line, the machine can discharge test, adjustment according to actual condition. 5. Finally, according to the menu, in turn.
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